It is a very complicated to process, design, and build a useful stamping die. Here is a broad overview of stamping die and all about what they are, their types and others.
Define a Stamping Die: A stamping die is a specific and a useful tools those cuts and forms pastas into a definite shape and size. These die cut pasta into desired shape when pressed and stamped. A die when used with a force yields desired shapes of pastas. The results obtained by stamping or pressing of pasta dough are called the piece part.
Why Dies are used? Though there are many types of dies available in the market, you need to choose particular types of dies that can give you desired results in terms of cutting and forming. Many dies can give you both cutting and forming.
Cutting Dies: In this process of cutting, you need to choose specific shapes and features so as to get the best cuts for your ready made pasta. It is one of the most common and best known operations of any die machine. Cutting operations also include shearing, trimming, notching and piercing.
Cutting: Usually, in this process, dough of wheat are placed or positioned between two dies. Then, they are pressed by a great force. This pressing will result into cutting of doughs into similar shapes and sizes. After that, the new formed pieces are collected into some container. These new pieces are usually lusty as they contain about 30% of moisture in them.